Eternal Implications

What you do and what you say today can have eternal implications. Maybe in your life, maybe in someone else’s.

Have you ever considered the weight of our lives? So often we think about how the events, circumstances, relationships and feelings that swirl in our lives effect and affect us, but what about how our lives intersect, influence and impact other people’s lives?

It is easy for us to see when other people’s choices cause us difficulty and pain. We are quick to label things as “offensive”, “rude”, “selfish” or “foolish”. We are especially quick to put these labels on other people’s behaviors, but what about our own? Are we as quick to consider our own behaviors? Are we as careful to offer grace and mercy to other people as we hope they will quickly and easily offer to us?

Each and every day, our lives intersect those of others. We can smile or frown. We can bless or curse. We have opportunity to help others or to take from others. And the manner in which we live our lives can point people to Jesus or point people to self-serving, self-protecting mechanisms of the world and the devil. The way you live and love people can actually influence them to call on God. Or it might push them towards ignoring Christians and their God because of our sinful/selfish behavior.

Today (and in all of your life), please consider what eternal implications might come into play as a result of your specific words, attitudes and behaviors. Before your act, ask the Lord to help you live out His love. If you do this, there may be people who join God in heaven for all of eternity, simply because you have let the love of God flow through you.

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